Runner blades: seals, bearings and surface improvement. Wicket gates: seals, break links and bottom drain valve.
- Year 2023
- Watercourse Emån
- Head 5.7 m
- Flowrate 16 m3/s
- Turbine type Kaplan
- Turbine power 650 kW
- Runner diameter 1700 mm
- Scope Turbine refurbishment

In Bruksgården power station, seals for runner blades and wicket gates in the Kaplan turbine were renovated. Refurbishment of existing turbine, including new runners and turbine head covers, new turbine shaft and new hydraulic pressure unit. The runner blades were fitted with new seals, surrounding stainless steel details as well as new bearings and rust protective coating on. Cavitation damages on the blade surface were repaired by welding and grinding. The wicket gate stems were fitted with new stainless steel sealing surfaces, new seals s and new breaking links. Other parts of the turbine were repainted to prevent corrosion and a corroded bottom valve was replaced with a new stainless steel one.