

New turbine actuating system.

  • Year 2021
  • Watercourse Ronnebyån
  • Head 24 m
  • Flow rate 15.6 m3/s
  • Turbine type Kaplan
  • Turbine power 2700 kW
  • Runner diamater 1590 mm
  • Scope New counterweight unit and rotating runner actuator, new hydraulic pressure unit.

In 2021, a new counterweight assisted hydraulic actuating  unit was installed at Klåvben HEPP to control the distributor. The counterweight unit is actuated by a hydraulic cylinder that raises and lowers the counterweight arm, which in turn provides a torque on the control shaft that opens and closes the distributor. In the event of a power failure, the counterweight ensures that the turbine shuts down quickly and in a controlled manner. The delivery also included a feedback transducer for the runner blade angle and wicket gate opening.