TURABReferenserStackarp – Ädelfors

Stackarp – Ädelfors

Relocation of turbine from Stackarp to Ädelfors

  • Year 2023
  • Watercourse Emån
  • Head 7 m
  • Flow rate 14 m3/s
  • Turbine type Kaplan
  • Turbine power 840 kW
  • Runner diameter 1600 mm
  • Scope Relocation of turbine from Stackarp to Ädelfors

In 2013-14, TURAB renovated Stackarp’s Kaplan turbine in the Rönne River with, among other things, a new runner and a new generator. After only a couple of years, Klippan municipality bought Stackarp HEPP with the aim of closing down electricity production. In connection with the closure, a need for renovation arose in Ädelfors HEPP and instead of another renovation, the recently renovated Stackarp turbine was moved to Ädelfors. The powerhouse in Ädelfors was adapted so that the turbine could be lifted inside, and a new semispherical runner discharge ring was manufactured.